DRM in concentration Education Leadership Page

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Doctor Research Management In Education Leadership


DRM in Education Leadership is a full-time, three-year program built on a cohort learning model. Students are expected coming from diverse professional backgrounds (including superintendent, entrepreneurs, nonprofit directors, principals, teachers, and policy researchers) who progress through the program together in a cohort system. In DRM in Educational Leadership, students 

will understand that the ambitious goal of transforming preK–12 education won’t be accomplished by any individual alone, but 

by a diverse movement of leaders in government, school systems, and nonprofits.

Curriculum Information

The DRM in Education Leadership curriculum is a balance of multidisciplinary coursework and practice-based learning. Core courses and electives are taught by recognized leaders from across DRM programs in fields like data-based education reform, organizational change and innovation, and effective leadership strategies for organization, including schools.

Curriculum Year One

All students in the cohort take the same classes in six foundational courses: Research Method, The Foundation Theory of Management, Sustainability and Social Value Creation, Philosophy of Science, Quantitative Methods, and Qualitative Research. Courses taken during the first-year focus on practice-based learning and serve as the framework of student’s first year experience. 

Curriculum Year Two

In Year two, students will take 4 core courses: 

  1. Leadership and Leaders of Learning Workshop and Seminar
  2. Evidence-based Leadership in Education
  3. Human Development and Education
  4. Traditional Leadership for Learning Leaders 


Important Notes : Students have to pass Ujian Komprehensif at the end of the Year 2 before proceeding to the year three. All courses and dissertation are in Bahasa Indonesia. All international journal publications are required in English. 

Curriculum Year Three

Students will defend their dissertation proposal, publish two journal articles, collecting data (Seminar hasil Penelitian), ujian sidang tertutup and ujian sidang terbuka during year three of the program

  • FAQ



1. Di kampus mana perkuliahan akan diadakan?

Kampus UPH Aryaduta Semanggi dan UPH Karawaci, tapi perkuliahan akan lebih banyak dijalankan di UPH Aryaduta Semanggi.  


2. Bagaimana dengan jadwal perkuliahannya?

Perkuliahan jika jatuh di hari kerja akan mulai setelah jam kerja dan jika di akhir pekan akan dimulai dari pagi sampai sore. Mohon mengacu pada jadwal perkuliahan yang diberikan (hubungi tim marketing kami untuk jadwal terupdate). 


3. Apakah ada beasiswa?

Untuk sementara tidak ada beasiswa. 


4. Apakah ada potongan untuk alumni UPH?

Tidak ada potongan lagi untuk alumni UPH. 


5. Saya bekerja di Lippo Group (UPH, SPH, dan perusahaan dibawah Lippo Group lainnya), apakah masih ada potongan?

Tidak ada potongan langsung dari kami untuk program DRM Education Leadership. Silahkan menghubungi pihak HRD untuk beasiswa korporasi. 


6. Bagaimana cara pembayarannya?

Pembayaran dilakukan perbulan dengan biaya yang relative rendah. 


7. Biaya termasuk apa saja?

SKS, BOP, Biaya Dissertation and Sidang Tertutup Doktoral. Biaya tidak termasuk biaya sidang terbuka. 


8. Cara pendaftaran bagaimana? Persyaratan?

Bapak/Ibu bisa menghubungi tim marketing kami untuk application form. Isi dan lengkapi dokumen persyaratan. Kemudian hubungi tim marketing untuk mengatur jadwal test masuk (jadwal test fleksibel). Test masuk berupa TPA 250 soal dan dikerjakan dalam waktu 2,5 jam. 

Contact Us:

021 5790 6024

0813 2333 8207



Gedung UPH EEC

Komplek Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi 

1st Floor Jl. Garnisun Dalam No. 8 

RT 5 RW 4 Karet Semanggi, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12930 

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